309-796-5700 | Quad-Cities
309-854-1730 | East Campus
Faculty Resources
Faculty members are invited to place books, chapters, articles and other materials in the Course Reserves collection.
There are 6 loan periods available:
Please allow at least 3 days for library staff to process the materials before directing students to borrow reserve materials.
Information literacy is the ability to locate information, evaluate it, and use it effectively. Working with faculty members, librarians introduce students to skills needed to become independent lifelong information consumers.
Faculty members may schedule a library instruction session for students who have assignments that require research.
Library sessions are most effective when scheduled after the research assignment has been introduced to students and after students have had time to develop initial research topics so that they can use those topics during the session.
Instruction sessions are available to meet the needs of any modality and can cover a range of topics including but not limited to:
Any faculty member who wishes to learn more about how information skills can be integrated with a particular course or program is encouraged to contact a Reference & Instruction Librarian.
Quad-Cities Library
East Campus Library