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ENG 102: Just Mercy

A guide for English 102


How to Evaluate Internet Sources

Anyone can create a website on the Internet. There is no formal evaluation process.  When searching the Web, you will have to evaluate the websites you find.  Use this list to help you do that.


  • Is the information provided current?
  • Is the page being maintained?  Check the bottom of the page for a date.
  • Do the links work and are they current?


  • Databases and links to websites found on Library pages have been checked and can be trusted to be reliable. 
  • Websites located through a search engine like Google or Yahoo may not be accurate or current, evaluate them carefully.
  • If the website was recommended by a faculty member, cited in a scholarly or credible source, or linked from a credible website, it should be reliable.


  • Who is the author of the site?  Look in the About section. 
  • Does the author list credentials, such as affiliations, degrees or certifications?
  • Is the site affiliated with a reputable organization?
  • Is there contact information on the site?


  • Is the vocabulary professional or casual?  Are there spelling and grammar errors?
  • Is the information factual, opinion or propaganda?
  • Are there sources, citations or a bibliography?
  • Is the website objective or is there a particular point of view or bias?
  • Does the page contain advertising? Are advertisements disguised as information? 


  • What is the purpose of the website? Is it to inform, teach, sell, entertain or persuade?
  • Do the authors/sponsors make their intentions or purpose clear?
  • Does the website support a particular political, ideological, cultural, religious, institutional or personal agenda?
  • The domain in the URL can provide clues about the site's purpose. Some common domains are:

.org :   An advocacy organization site.  It may have biases.

.com : A business or commercial site.  They are trying to sell something.

.edu :  A site affiliated with a college or university.

.gov :  A site sponsored by a federal government agency.  


Video Tutorial: A Guide to Searching the Internet