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The Black Hawk College Library catalog is your go-to source for searching for books, eBooks, and articles from across our entire collection of databases. It also allows you to search and request books from the I-Share consortium, which includes 90 academic libraries in Illinois.
Contains a large selection of multidisciplinary eBook titles representing a broad range of academic subject matter. There are more than 135,000 eBooks in this collection, including titles from leading university presses. Watch tutorial.
Gale eBooks is a database of encyclopedias and specialized reference sources for multidisciplinary research.
A collection of popular fiction and nonfiction ebooks that can be checked out and downloaded to your device. The check out for 3 weeks. Download the Libby app or access on a PC. Watch tutorial.
Contains nearly 4000 multidisciplinary eBook titles across various academic subjects.
An eBook collection with full-text content in the health, history, literature, science and career fields.